Africa is embracing the AI revolution in ways unique to the continent and is by no means showing signs to slow down.

“AI Everything: Africa” marks a pivotal moment in Africa's embrace of AI, convening strategic leaders, technology pioneers, innovators and industry disruptors.

Key stats reveal over 60% of Africans under 25, forming an unparalleled potential tech workforce. Despite this, a digital divide persists, with only 39.3% having internet access. As Africa navigates this transformative landscape, crucial questions arise: Where is AI headed next? How can we strike a balance between fostering AI innovation, inclusive adoption and implementing effective regulation?

Join us to explore how AI can offer solutions to critical issues such as healthcare accessibility, agricultural efficiency, financial inclusion and more. Hear from business leaders who are actively deploying AI in real-life scenarios, redefining business paradigms, and driving tangible return on investment. 

Attended by Deputy Ministers, Mayors, Vice Mayors, CTOs, CIOS, CSOs, Digital Agencies Directors, Procurement Directors and more..


AI Governance and Strategy

AI Adoption

Infrastructure, Data Intelligence and Data Science

Generative AI 

Closing the Digital Divide

AI and Innovation


Vinod Khosla

Co-Founder & Investment Partner

Khosla Ventures, USA

Dragoş Tudorache

Member of the European Parliament


Jepson Taylor

Founder, Stealth Startup

Former Chief AI Strategist, Dataiku , US


Executive President of Ai Movement

UM6P, Morocco

Celina Lee

CEO & Co-Founder

Zindi, Mauritius

Sanchit Juneja

Director of Big Data & ML, The Netherlands

Marelize Gorgens

AI & Health Lead

The World Bank, USA

Lavina Ramkissoon

Technology and Data Expert

United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), South Africa

Mactar Seck

Chief of Technology & Innovation

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Ethiopia

Yau I. Garba

National Director

National Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Nigeria